Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Epic of Labaw Donggon

I've just come from jogging with my brother. Now I'm with Jean and she's working on the subtitles for the DVD project. We have cups of coffee in front of us and the computers on our laps. The coffee's still too hot for sipping--and I'm not really sure there's another coffee shop in IT Park that could beat a Starbucks blend.

This morning, I went about looking at kids painting a monster from the Theatre adaptation of Hinilawod. It's one of those moments that jar you back into position: this is why i do what i do.

The past month had us living our waking moments in IT Park, it's an odd thing. We'd tend to our day jobs, and run off to coffee shops at night to work on the Hinilawod DVD and the Hinilawod Comics. At times it would be work, meeting, muay thai then, Hinilawod... I'm not sure how we've managed to get by with so little rest--but, matters have been interesting in a very positive way. It could be the plant-based diet... though I've not been able to follow it perfectly.

Volume 2 is finally done and we're off to volume 3: Labaw Donggon and his second wife.



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